The Table of Contents is most helpful to the reader seeking information on a specific topic because each chapter has not only a title but alsoĪ listing of specific topics covered and references. The section headings include Issues and Theories, Context and Mental Health, Biology and Mental Illness, Disorders of Early Childhood, Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Emotional Disorders, Control Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and Trauma Disorders. This 813-page handbook is organized into 39 chapters divided into 9 sections. They provide comprehensive, up-to-date reviews that reflect the current issues in each area of developmental psychopathology.

The list of the 83 contributors to this handbook reads like a who’s who in psychology, psychiatry, pediatrics, child development, ethology, education, and related fields. Suzanne Miller is Senior Member and Director of the Psychosocial and Behavioral Medicine Program at Fox Chase Cancer Center and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Michael Lewis is University Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry and Director of the Institute of Child Development at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Arnold Sameroff is Professor of Psychology and Senior Research Scientist in the Center for Human Growth and Development at the University of Michigan. The editors are a distinguished trio of developmental scientists. Velopment of maladaptive behaviors and processes.” Since that edition, there have been profound changes and advances in knowledge in the field and the need for a second edition became clear. Psychosomatics 43:1, January-February 2002 In the 1990 preface to the first edition of this handbook, the editors defined developmental psychopathology as “the study of the prediction of de. Mother GooseĪpidly evolving developments and exhilarating new research in the neurosciences, clinical psychiatry, child development, and other fields collude to help us “wise men and women” both “see that our eyes are scratched out” and motivate us to “scratch them in again.” We are spared the pain of the “Bramble Bush” method of the acquisition of vision by this comprehensive and erudite updated volume. But when he saw his eyes were out, With all his might and main, He jumped into another bush, and scratched them in again. He jumped into a bramble bush, and scratched out both his eyes. There was a man in our town, And he was wondrous wise. Miller New York, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, 2000 $95.00, ISBN 5-3, 813 pages Reviewed by Ellen Sholevar, M.D. Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition Edited by Arnold J.